Adult Archery Classes – Must be 18 or older
- Schedule is Monday nights at 7:00 til 8:00 PM
- Registration is for 4 or 5 weeks depending on the month and you will need to re-register each month for the next session
SunSunMonMonTueTueWedWedThuThuFriFriSatSatDec 27UnavailableDec 28Dec 29Dec 30Dec 31Unavailable1Unavailable23Unavailable4567Unavailable8Unavailable910Unavailable11121314Unavailable15Unavailable1617Unavailable18192021Unavailable22Unavailable2324Unavailable25262728Unavailable29Unavailable3031UnavailableFeb 1Feb 2Feb 3Feb 4UnavailableFeb 5UnavailableFeb 6-Available-Booked-Unavailable
Registration Process:
- Select the Monday slot at the beginning of the month on the calendar
- Click on the green box for the appropriate month
- Complete the form and click submit
- A PayPal link will shown on your screen – you MUST click Papal and pay the registration fee to secure your spot in the class
- All classes are first come first serve.
- If you have any questions or issues with registration, please reach out to